Main photo

Pentti Vikki
Pentara plays Greek Rebetika music from the 1930s and 1940s. The band is a traditional Rebetika band. Pentara has performed at Hakasalmi villa, Ruiskumestarin talo, Tuusula art night, Rööperi Rebetika club.
Eero Heimolinna (Finland) - buzouki, vocals
Vuokko Heimolinna (Finland) - vocals
Petri Tohka (Finland) - baglamas
Heikki Wallenius (Finland) - guitar
Christoffer von Bonsdorff (Finland) - accordeon
Technical information
The repertoire is 2-3 hours, the band can perform almost acoustically, but due to the balance of the instruments and vocals, a little amplification is needed. No special audio equipment requirements.
Music genres