Master folk singer Hilja Grönfors continues on the road of collecting and performing the songs of the Finnish Roma. On her 3rd album together with Latšo Džinta musicians she performs the traditional songs as well as eg songs of the respected and loved Arvo Valte Palmroth. On one track we'll also hear Hilja's own composition and lyrics. The album Katta ame aavaa? - Where do we come from? once again opens the door to the traditions and culture of the Finnish Roma.
Hilja Grönfors has been singing since she was only a child. In 1950’ Hilja was living the traditional traveling life of a Roma family – staying overnight by the riversides. Out of love for the music of the Roma Hilja got the idea of collecting the traditional Roma songs – and by now the work has been going on since decades. Hilja Grönfors' important work has been noticed and recognized; in 2014 she was awarded with the prestigious Finland Prize by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland.
Members of Latšo Džinta as well as the visiting musicians are all well known and all-around musicians. You'll find them in the line-ups of the most interesting groups of the Finnish music scene today – Shava, Orkestra Suora Lähetys, Samuli Edelman, BaranBand, Kvalda, Yonan Liikkuvat Pilvet, Pekka Kuusisto & Luomuplayers etc.
Latšo Džinta are:
Hilja Grönfors - vocals
Kiureli Sammallahti - accordion
Valtteri Bruun – guitar, mandolin, rubab, percussion, keyboard, bass, whistling, vocal percussion
Matti Pitkänen: violin, mandolin
Sara Puljula – bass
Visiting musicians:
Jenni Sademies - saw
Ricardo Padilla - percussion
Sami Rönkä - percussion
Antti Kujanpää - piano